I was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 1993 but I spent the majority of my life in Dar-es-salaam, Tanzania. I moved back to Northern Ireland in 2010 to start university and I now reside in Newtownabbey. As places to live go, Newtownabbey is pretty good. It’s in the “greater Belfast area” so it has access to city and all its amenities but the country is not too far out from my bedroom window. I live near the top of hill which means I have a great view from the previously stated window and if there is any snow, we get it (growing up in tropical country snow is still an advantage rather than a drawback).

Matthew Armstrong 2015

I am currently reading for a Masters in Electronic Engineering at Ulster University. This degree has covered all aspects of engineering but I have particularly focused on, and have an affinity for embedded systems. It is my intention to graduate with this degree around the middle of 2016.

A few more things about me…

I am a born-again christian, a massive space nerd and lover of film scores.